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Friday, February 9, 2024

I am Back on My Feet Thanks to Dr. Koech and TopHill Hospital

It was song and dance for Josephine Adeke a patient from Busia who was suffering ruptured aneurysm treated and recovered at Tophill Hospital Eldoret.

Ageke says she attended the morning glory service as usual where she went for adoration as the norm for all catholic believers.

“After adoration, I went to read the word that when I saw a dark thing passing on my eyes. I felt down with the Bible stand. I lost consciousness and I didn’t know what was happening,” said Adeke.

She says after being taken to the hospital the doctor told her that was suffering from Malaria and pressure but the condition worsened when was taken to the hospital

“Lab tests were done at the hospital and the results showed that one vein was swollen and was almost bursting. My body pressure was 172 sweating everywhere. The doctors said that they had done their best but nothing was bearing fruit and said I should be taken to Nairobi for further treatment,”

Josephine Adeke speaking to the press

“My daughter Mildred told me there is a doctor in Eldoret called Dr. Koech who can help us, we called him but were engaged, Dr. Koech called back, and this is how our miracle started. Dr. Koech told us ‘Just try to bring Josephine here, I have seen the photos you have sent’,” she said.

She says at Top Hill Hospital it’s only God who uses the Doctors saying they are people who believe in God because they believe in service delivery and not money.

Josephine Adeke shows the head where the operation was done.

“I thank God that the medication I got at Top Hill was good, those who saw me didn’t believe that I would walk again, those who saw what happened were in disbelief that I could walk and talk again since was also unable to talk, my face was swollen,” he said.

“I am praying God to protect them since God Is working her Dr. Koech is God sent. I recommend any person to get medication here,” she added.

Peter Ageke husband to Josephine said Tophill is not in business but helping people before asking for money like another private hospital.

“When you see her she has improved now it’s the third month, when she came out of the operation she was not able to walk, or talk. They did physiotherapy for her and now she can walk and talk. I knew that I had lost her. Miracles and extraordinary things happen at Top Hill Hospital that is the truth of the matter I am a witness,” he said.

“I want to thank Dr. Koech and his doctors who took good care of us it is one of the best offices that I can recommend for anybody.

Dr. Florentius Koech, a neurosurgeon at Top Hill Hospital said the mother had collapsed and was currently admitted to Kampala Hospital and needed urged help.

“I asked the husband to send me the MRI Scan which he sent and upon review I saw that the patient Josephine Okelo had a ruptured aneurysm in the brain. I told them this is something we routinely do here at Top Hill Hospital, and should transfer the patient here so that she can be helped,” he said.

“The challenge was that the patient was in ICU in Kampala, with high blood pressure in the ICU and it was a risk to transfer her by road to Eldoret but it was possible if they got a good ambulance,” he said.
He noted that he took another 24 hours before he got a call from them where they said they were ready and that they had secured an ambulance.

“After their arrival, I went to assess the patient who was in a comma and her pressure was still erratic. We admitted her and made efforts to stabilize her. She did very well and within twelve hours her condition had improved and she was ready for surgery,” said Dr Koech.

Dr. Florentius Koech

He says after securing enough blood and consent from the family we did a surgery which took us almost 8 hours since it was very complicated and had a lot of challenges.

“All went well and we managed to do clipping of the aneurysm and subsequently she needed to be in the ICU for a couple of days. From there she made a good recovery and eventually, she was discharged home after a week or so,” he said.

“Today she has just come for review months the line and she has regained all her mental faculties, she is back to her normal life, and we are happy that we were

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