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Friday, January 17, 2025

Exploring areas of Kenya-Japan Coorperation


The kenya Private Security Industry Association has welcomed possible collaboration with the Japanese Government in various sectors of our economy chiefly among them the spheres of security and technology. According to the Chairman Mr. Cosmas Mutava, he strongly beieves that Kenya and Japan can partner in various sectors such as the execution and implementation of current technology inaccess control systems and drownes for private security surveillance .

Mr. Cosmas also believes in the pillar of manufacturing, things like security scan gadgets, lifts and elevators which can be manufactured locally and enhance economic growth as in affordable housing thereby creating employment.

Mr. Mutava who spoke at the Kenya-Japan Business Forum is a strong believer that the two countries (Kenya and Japan) can leverage on this strategic platform to address trade and investment opportunities and trade-related challenges. He is optimistic that such fora are excellent to create jobs, introduce modern technology, increase exports and investments which in turn will generate foreign direct investment.

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